Islamic Wasiat/Will Writing
Life Happenstance Pte. Ltd provides Islamic wasiat writing services. We do not manage the assets or estate, we merely provide the services to ensure that the process of writing an Islamic will is properly done in accordance to both Islamic law and Civil Law. Our professional Will writers will advice, write and assist the clients in their will making. From here on I shall use the term Wasiat instead of Will.
There are various parts and technicality in writing a wasiat. The most important thing to note in writing a wasiat is to understand the extend of the wasiat and will it be accepted in the eyes of the law both Islamic (Syariah) and civil. Here I shall share some information, pointers and concerns in the need and making of an Islamic wasiat.
Islamic Wasiat Singapore
Part 1.
Did you know that the majority of Muslims in Singapore do not have a wasiat?
Some of you may think that knowing this is not a concern.
But let me tell you, 90% Muslims in Singapore passed away without a wasiat!
Yes, it’s a staggering statistic. Let’s give some figures to the stats shall we? If we were to assume that there are 20% of Muslims in Singapore based on the population of an est. 5.5million that’s over 900,000 Muslims that at this moment, if they were to die, do not have a wasiat left behind.
Why is this important?
“It is unfortunate to those who passed away without leaving a will”- Hadith Rasullullah Saw (Ibnu Majah)
Based on this hadith alone, it is important!
So why do you not have one? Are you not gonna die? Are you debt free? Are you really sure that you will not leave anything behind?
If any of your answers to these few questions above is a yes, then you need a wasiat!
Islamic Wasiat
Think about this for a second. What do you leave behind when you pass away?
I assume these are some of your answers; Family? Assets? Debts?
Now if you were to expand those answers; there will be varying concern with each one of them.
If you are the sole breadwinner; The family that’s left behind; what would you think will happen to them? What will be their struggles?
Your assets; the money in your bank account, your car, your house and everything else that was yours. Who do you think will ensure its fair distribution?
Your debts, a loan from a friend perhaps or family members? Debt to god, your wish to perform the haj and other debts. Who will settle these for you?
Remember, you are not around to ensure all this happen according to what you want or wish. So why not protect yourself? Why not make sure that you have done your due diligence and can have a peace of mind that you will die in iman?
“While you are alive and well, a wasiat is just a piece of document BUT! when you passed on, a wasiat becomes your voice that will protect your interest.”
Life Happenstance…Islamic Will Singapore
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