Islamic Will Singapore
Part 2.
From where we left off in Islamic Will/Wasiat Singapore Part 1. , I mentioned that 90% of Muslims in Singapore die without leaving a wasiat.
What are the reason?
Apparently there’s more than one, in fact there’s countless reasons for it.
- Still young
- Not important
- No assets
- Not married
- No descendant (Childless)
- Not ready to die yet
- Still healthy
- Poor
- For the rich only
- Too busy
- My descendants will act accordingly
These are only a few of the main reasons given by the participants in our seminars and based on the percentage I dare say that if you do not have a wasiat, either one of the reasons above is yours as well.
So, is it true that a wasiat is only for the rich? or if you are a bachelor, does that mean you do not need a wasiat?
Do you even know what does an Islamic wasiat is for?
Islamic Wasiat
Definition of Islamic Wasiat
“A declaration by a Muslim vouch by witnesses to authorized a trustee to manage and administer his or her estate upon death”
Its a declaration,a means for a Muslim to ensure that whatever and whoever he or she left behind upon death is properly managed and executed accordingly.
“It is surely unfortunate to those who died without a wasiat”
Hadith Rasullullah SAW – Ibnu Majah
The Prophet SAW have warned us thru the hadith above the misfortune of leaving this life without a wasiat. Let me now list down person(s) who is in need of a wasiat.
- Bachelor
- No male heir
- Those with underage child
- Those who adopt
- Those with step children
- Those who are childless
- Polygamist
- Business owners
- With intentions for Wakaf
- Holding interest of others (Amanah)
- Single parent
- Newly converts
- Those who worries about their assets not being handled properly against Fardhu Syaríi onto themselves.
- Those with debts to others
Which category do you fall into?
So what can a wasiat do for you? What benefit does it have for your family and those you left behind? Let me give share with you 3 main points.
1. You are able to appoint an executor in your place once you are no longer around. The person who will take over your role to manage your assets.
This is very important. When you die be it expected or unexpected; your assets automatically becomes your estate. As in every estate, someone has to manage it, find it, collect it and distribute it. Who will that person be?
2. Liquidize your frozen estate by means of probate grant.
In the event that you passed away, in most cases the next of kin shall have the power to apply for the release of your estate. But in some cases certain requirements have to be fulfilled. Hence the need for an executor. Having appoint an executor thru your wasiat, the executor shall have the power to assume your role and apply to the courts for a probate grant.
3. Debts
Rasullullah SAW says “The soul of a person with debts shall be left hanging until the debt is settled”
Hadiths Rasullullah SAW
At one point or another whether we realize it or not, we may have been indebted to someone. This debt can be in the form of money or material and whatsoever. When we are alive we may have the intentions to pay off the debts but may find it a burden too heavy but upon death those debts will be left hanging. Through your wasiat we can instruct our next of kin or executor to ensure that the debts that we are aware of to be settled and indicate for them to check on if there are any debts left hanging.
These are just some of the benefits and advantages that you can get if you plan your death and make preparation.
So what are you waiting for?
Come and join us in our seminar, where we share other pointers and stories about wasiat.
Remember our prophet Rasullullah SAW says
“A Muslim who died leaving a wasiat, surely have died in the path of Islam and Sunnah, in have died in Iman and Taqwa, and sin forgiven”
Hadiths Rasullullah SAW
check out our FB page for more details and the schedule for our next seminar.
Call us now for an appointment! 9368 4589 or email us at
Life Happenstance…Islamic Will Singapore
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