Zam Zam Water
How to drink Zam Zam water? The right way.
Let me tell you how…
1. Face the Kiblah
2. Drink/Seep Zam Zam water in 3 portion. (Inhale before every portion.)
3. After every gulp, give thanks to Allah “Alhamdullilah”. (Do note not to exhale onto the Zam Zam.)
4. After finishing your glass. Raise your hands in Duáa.
“Ya Allah, I ask for your blessing and guidance, knowledge, rezki, and cure for all ailment” ‘Ámiin’
The Miracle Of Zam Zam Water
The best drinking water on the planet!
“Zam Zam water is drank to a person’s intentions (nawaitu)” – Hadith Nabi
Benefit according to your intentions includes:-
- Calm your emotions and heart
- Quenches your thirst and satisfy your hunger
- Soothes eye discomfort and refreshes your sight
- Ease a pregnant mother (Drank while in labor pains)
- Other ailments
Rasulullah says:
There are 4 things that are advantageous to my ummah if they practice it…
- Drinking Zam Zam water
- Consuming Ajwa’ dates
- Consuming Bee’s honey
- Applying scents (Kasturi, Za’faran)
“The difference between us (Mukminin) and others (Munafiks)is that they do not like to drink Zam Zam”– Hadith (Bukhari, Ibnu Majah)
Zam Zam…Life Happenstance
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